Opening session, 1:30-1:50 p.m. (Kedzie 106)
Afternoon session, 2-5 p.m. (Fairchild 202)
●Introductions [2-2:25 p.m.]
Set goals.
Outline expectations and workload.
Take tech inventory.
Gather e-mail addresses/intro survey.
Set goals.
Outline expectations and workload.
Take tech inventory.
Gather e-mail addresses/intro survey.
●Trashing bad habits [2:25-2:35 p.m.]
Writing sins: Why writing journalism stories isn’t like those notes I wrote in middle school...
We’ll read past stories from the workshop and other pieces by student journalists.
Brainstorm ideas for Google Earth project.
Discuss approaches for finding stories.
Discuss approaches for finding stories.
Introduce homework: "Boy Behind the Mask"
qBegin initial interviews. First story will be due at the end of the day Monday.
qFinish developing four story ideas for camp.
qRead “Boy Behind the Mask” and mark text.
ðUnderline strong descriptions.
ðPlace exclamation points next to great quotes!
Each day, you will compile information for your portfolio. From today, please include:
qWriting sins handout
qNotes/worksheet on interviewing.
qYou're the story notes/reflection
qNotes/worksheet on interviewing.
qYou're the story notes/reflection
qStories from writers roundtable.
qStory idea sheet.
q"Boy Behind the Mask"
qOngoing reflection worksheet.
q"Boy Behind the Mask"
qOngoing reflection worksheet.